Corporate Strategy

Corporate Strategy

Development Vision:

To be counted among the leading providers of information technology and business service in aviation and tourism industry and become a world-class company with international competitiveness in addition to stabilizing the leadership in the Chinese market.


Development Strategy:

With international thinking and visual field, TravelSky proposes the development strategy of “going out as a bigger and stronger company.

“Stronger” means to improve technical capacities to provide powerful technical support for domestic and international distribution of airlines so as to strengthen the main business of information technology service in civil aviation; “bigger” means that by utilizing its advantages on technology, resources, talents, the Company expands the information service market for transportation and tourism so as to expand the Company’s information service industry.


Development Goal:

To build up a world-class enterprise in comprehensive information service

By the end of the “12th Five-year Plan” period, TravelSky will initially shape a diversified structure of main business; its traditional main business will dominate the domestic market; it will make breakthrough in the overseas market; its new operation will be in the front in the domestic market.

By the end of the “12th Five-year” period, the total asset of TravelSky will hit 20 billion RMB; its revenue will reach 7 billion RMB; its total profit will double to more than 2 billion RMB; the number of its employees will hit 8,000, with stable increase of employees’ income and economic benefits.

Company profile    
Incorporated in october,2002,China TravelSky Holding Company is a national enterprise under State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
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